This Project were trusted to AnM Consultancy to construct a dormer extension. The task was to build the extension allowing for windows, double doors rear side, internal partitions, stud walls, extension insulation. The client wanted clay tiles as the roofing material choice, which would be laid atop the timber battens, atop a breathable membrane. Windows were accounted for, allowing us to work on the window as well as around the window.
The stages were such that we needed to support the dormer structure by installing steel beams on to the supporting brick walls. Pad stones were used to support the beams, as the wall acted as a supporting wall thus, allowing us to secure the beam onto the pad stones. This procedure, followed the installation of the floor steel beams. Thereafter, it allowed us to build the dormer structure from timber, using floor joists, ceiling joists, and rafters. Once we completed the structure we initiated our team to use the architects layout plans, to build the internal partitions and stud walls.
In conjunction to the construction of the dormer, the form work for the windows would be initiated. For the double doors, block work was done which was then covered by a breathable membrane
which would be the start of tile installation. The Windows on the dormer - front facing had voids cut into and then supported by timber. A velux window kit was used to install the window. Simultaneously, coltex insulation was being installed internally.
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